Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Each morning this week I have had the face of at least one of your children beaming at me while they presented me with a gift.  I appreciate the thoughtfulness that you have shown with what you have made for me or with what you have purchased.

It is at this time of year that we reflect on the blessings in our lives, and one of the best gifts I have been given is the opportunity to influence the lives of your children.  It is truly a privilege to work in this school where we have the support of parents and the whole community in the work that we do at the school.

Thank you for blessing me with your trust and support in the educational journey of your children.

The tragedy in Connecticut reminds me that I do work in a wonderful profession filled with people who put children first every day and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the students placed in their care.

I wish you a holiday season filled with happiness and joy, and a year filled with blessing both expected and unexpected.

Merry Christmas.

Mrs. Newman

Monday, December 17, 2012

Last Week of 2012

Here we are at the end of December already. 

Please note that the concert is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 7:00.  I would ask that you have your children here between 6:30 and 6:45 in our classroom please.

Tomorrow is hot chocolate and cookie day - feel free to wear a Christmas hat too.

Wednesday is ugly Christmas sweater day - if you don't own one feel free to create one with supplies that you have not used on your tree.

I would like to thank each of you for the support you have shown your children and myself this first half of grade 3.

To each of you I send best wishes for a healthy, happy holiday season. All the best in 2013.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Math News

Well, we have finished up our numeration unit and are working on addition and subtraction strategies with one and two digit numbers.  It is important that your child recognize all the combinations of numbers that add up to ten (1+9, 2+8, etc) and that they know all the doubles facts (2+2, 3+3, to 20+20).  These basics are the skills that will be built on to teach them strategies to figure out tricky facts.  Please use cards, dice, mathletics, shopping trips in the store and other real math opportunities to help them see addition and subtraction as skills that are needed throughout life.

Still looking for some sunglasses for the concert next Wednesday.

Enjoy the snow!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mrs. N away

I will be away Thursday for a Professional Development day.  I will be in the school Friday but not teaching my class as we will be conducting interviews.

Thank you to all of you whom I saw last night at interviews.  I look forward to seeing the rest of you this evening.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Puppet Show

Looking at the calendar we have decided that Wednesday, Dec. 5th looks like the best day for the puppet show.  We will be inviting grade one and two to join us and would welcome any parents who were able to attend as well.

The show will begin about 1:30, please let me know if you will be able to come so that I can have enough chairs set up for you (adults don't have to sit on the floor:)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekly update

Well, as I look at the week it is going to be busy so I thought I would update you a bit.

1)  Next spelling test Wednesday.

2) Dress like a teacher on Thursday.

3) Parent Teacher Interviews Tuesday and Wednesday evenings - check note with report card for time.

4) See Monday note for Pizza and Chili cook off rules if you are interested.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank you for the support!

Wow,  what an amazing afternoon we had Wednesday.  Thanks to parents, grandparents and community members for your help.  Our puppets are amazing and the students are still glowing with the results of their efforts. 

Mrs. H. Lundquist, Mrs. R. Schreiner, Mrs. M. Rosin, Mrs. Leann Priest, Mrs. C. Binsfeld, Mrs. C. Franko, Ms. M. Winter, Mrs. C. Stapleton, Mrs. R. Hunter, and Mrs. T. Beauchesne I could not have done it without your support.  Thank you so much.

Thank you to each parent for the wonderful things that you sent for us to work with, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, fabric, socks, buttons, beads, lace, frills, etc - the only limit we had was the imaginations of the creators.

When you come in for interviews next week you can check out the bulletin board outside the classroom for the photos that we took while we worked.  I will let you know when we are ready to do the shows - we would love to have you in our audience too.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Puppet Making Party

As part of our Arts Ed program the students are creating puppet plays using the story of The Gingerbread Man as a base and mixing it with another story to make it silly.  The fun part about creating a puppet play is that we need to also create puppets.  As I contemplate the level of button sewing skills that eight year olds have I realize that I am going to need help! 

The puppet creation celebration is scheduled for Wednesday November 21st and I am looking for as much help as I can possibly get.  We will create from 1:15 until 3:10 (with a coffee break in the middle to regroup).

Of course to make puppets we will need socks, scraps of fabric, buttons, needles, thread, and imagination. If you are unable to join us on the 21st that is fine, please send at least two (clean) socks with your child and any other wonderful things you think will make good puppets.

Picture retakes are also on the 21st so there may be students zipping out for pictures while we work.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

No Busses, No Remembrance Day Service, No Retakes

Well, the title says it all.  Due to terrible road conditions the bus drivers have cancelled busses for today.  For the same reason our Remembrance Day service has been cancelled and retakes will be postponed.

No school Friday or Monday as already planned.

Be safe!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Remembrance Day

We are looking at Remembrance Day heroes through the eyes of Animals in War - a publication by Veteran's Affairs Canada.  Take time this week to ask your child what they know.  Their insights and questions about war are very interesting.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

Dear Parents

As a school we have chosen to support three charities this Christmas season. 

The first is Operation Christmas Child.  Our school has been challenged to fill 30 boxes.  We are asking that each child bring one or two items that can be placed into a shoe box and sent overseas via Samaritans Purse.   The boxes MAY NOT be filled with the following items:

        Decks of cards           food or chewy crumbly candy including gum

        Used items                liquids or items that could freeze, melt or break

Items that could scare or harm a child including toy guns, knives and war related toys


School supplies         ie:  pen, pencils, crayons, colouring book, notepad, calculator

Toys and other gifts          ie:  stuffed animals, socks, hair clips, t-shirts, loose individually wrapped hard candy sealed in a bag, small musical instruments

Hygiene items           ie:  bar soap, toothbrush, washcloth


All items must be at the school by Nov. 6th so we can pack

Our boxes and have them into the drop off location by Nov.7th


We will also have a mitten tree and a collection of items for the Men’s Shelter in Lloydminster – look for details on these projects in upcoming Monday Notes.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween

Looking forward to seeing the costumes of students tomorrow.  Please remember to send them in regular clothes in the morning.  If they need you to paint their face or do something wonderful to their hair feel free to do that before sending them or to come at noon to help them out.

Mrs. Hunter teaches the grade 3's in period four so she and they will be joining the grade two's until 1:17 and then I will be back in the fun.

The students have written some spooky piggy back Halloween songs that I will try my best to post here for tomorrow.

Happy Haunting!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

News and Oct 31 update

Remember that clothing orders are due tomorrow.
School pictures will be sent home with your child tomorrow and are due back on Oct. 29th
See note below about Halloween Party.
Spelling test Friday!

Dear Grade 2 and 3 Parents,

On Wednesday, October 31st we will be having a Halloween Party! Students will be allowed time to get their costumes on at LUNCH. The grade two and three’s will also be having a Christmas Party together so we have decided that the Grade two’s will bring snacks for the Halloween Party.

Itinerary for the Afternoon (approx. times)

12:15 – Get Halloween Costumes on.

12:27 – 12:45 – Costume Tour – students will travel around the school in their costumes.

12:45 – 1:00 – Halloween Oratory – each grade has practised a Halloween Poem to present.

1:00 – 2:00 – Centres (8 students in each centre) (4 Centres)

2:00 -2:10 – Snack – provided by the grade two’s.

2:10 – 3:00 – Halloween Sock Hop – in the gym.

Please feel free to join us and bring younger siblings if you would like to. If you are able to come and help run a group or centre please let Mrs. Newman or Mrs. Clark know beforehand.


Mrs. Clark & Mrs. Newman


Friday, October 19, 2012

Convention Break

Just a reminder that we do not have school Monday and Tuesday of next week.  All the teaching staff in the school division will be attending our annual convention.  Enjoy the long weekend.

Spelling test next week will be on Friday!

All clothing orders must be in by Thursday, Oct. 25th.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Warm Clothes Please

It appears that the cool fall and winter temperatures are upon us.  With them comes the need for your children to wear toques, mitts, warm jackets and eventually snow pants.  They are required to spend time outside at recess and noon hour except in extreme temperatures so we ask that you ensure they are dressed for the weather.

Thank you to Aaron Lundquist of Diamond 7 Meats for the donation of foam trays. They will be put to use in a multitude of ways and are much appreciated.


Monday, October 15, 2012

New Units

We have wrapped up our units in ELA and Math and are beginning new topics.  In math we are starting a numeration unit - we will look at place value, making numbers and addition and subtraction.

In ELA we are beginning a unit on figurative language and will be studying the work of Peggy and Henry Parish using their Amelia Bedelia books. 

Book orders due tomorrow.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fundraising and Clothing

Wow, the week has gone by in a blur and I have neglected my blog.  Hope the email yesterday got most of you up to speed.

Please remember that the Magazine fundraiser is wrapping up next week so be sure to send in any orders that your child has collected.

Yesterday the SRC members came in and gave your children the opportunity to do some sizing for the athletic wear that is being sold.  An order form should have come home with your child.  If you would like to make a secret Christmas order you are welcome to come to the office directly - make sure you make a note on the order form that we are to call you, not send the clothing home with a child when it arrives.

October book orders are due on TUESDAY and we have a spelling test on Tuesday as well.  Please send a cheque payable to SCHOLASTIC CANADA rather than cash when placing orders.

Our senior boys team is playing volleyball at home tonight and tomorrow.  Come down to see - they are quite skilled and the games will be fun to watch.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


The students all have a sample in their agenda pouch that shows the letters we have learned in handwriting.  We are using the handwriting without tears program.  The first letter taught is "magic c".  Once they can make the c we use that to teach a, g, and d.  The sample they are bringing home is supposed to be "the very best you can do to show off to mom and dad".

Thank you to those families who have already sent in sales from the QSP fundraiser.  Money raised goes to our SRC and is used to pay for student activities throughout the year.

Hope to see you at the turkey dinner tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Weekly news

Picture day is next Wednesday - forms for you to select your child's pose and background colour were sent home yesterday.  Please ensure that they are returned to me by Friday.  If I do not get one, the photographer just uses their default pose and colour.

Magazine sales kicked off yesterday.  I will find out our school code and email that to parents today so that family members and friends who live far away can order online.

The turkey dinner is Friday.  Parents and community members are welcome.  $5.oo children 6-12, Adults $7.oo, 5 and under free. Meal will begin about 11:30

I will be away tomorrow at a Professional Development course.

Hope to see you Friday at the meal!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cake Walk

There will be a cake walk fundraiser for the Terry Fox Foundation tomorrow.  Tickets are $1.00 each.  Students pay their money and then walk a circle of hoops.  If they are in the winning circle when the music stops, they win a cake. 

Spelling test tomorrow too.  Words on p. 27 in agendas.

Mrs. N

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


If you have collected pledges for the Terry Fox walk on Friday please send the money with your child by Thursday.

Thank you to those of you who have contacted me via email regarding illness and appointments.  You are making it very simple for Mrs. Thompson in the office and for me!

Spelling words are out - please spend time preparing for day three and day six.  Words in agendas - details were sent out yesterday in an email and are on the previous post.

The walk begins at 10:45 Friday, come and join us if you are able.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Spelling Program kick off

On Friday I gave your child their first spelling list and we will have a spelling test today.  Each child had their own personalized list which comes from errors they made when I dictated a word list to the entire class.  You will not be able to call a friend for their words because no two lists are the same.

The first words that I have given them are ones that need to be mastered by the end of grade three.  There are 110.  From there I will use a list that contains the 3000 most common words in English to create word lists.

Our "test" days will be day 3 and day 6.  Students must spell the words correctly, 3 test days in a row before they will get new words.  The idea is that if they can spell them correctly three times in a row they will transfer them into their personal writing correctly as well.

Words lists will be in their agendas.  This weeks words are on p. 27 in the agenda.
If you would like more details, let me know or stop in so I can show you how it works.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Thank you for the toothbrushes.  We will use them this afternoon for a spatter paint art project.  If you forgot to send one but have one ready feel free to send it tomorrow, I will add to my collection so I have a set for the next time.

Keep next Friday the 28th open if you can and plan to come and join us for the Terry Fox Walk.  Pledge sheets went home the  first week of school - feel free to collect pledges or not, we will all walk either way. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Book Order reminder

Hello all,

Just a reminder that book orders are due on Friday, Sept. 21.  I will call the order in on Saturday and then the books usually take about 2 weeks because we only get mail at the school on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Your children were all seen today by Mrs. Seguin who completed a  division reading screen with them.  The screen follows the same format that I do when I do a benchmark book with your child.  Data is collected from each school in the division and is used by teachers to assist us in meeting the reading needs of our students. They all seemed to take it totally in stride.  Mrs. Seguin has been a guest teacher here and they all knew her so that made it fun for them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back to Routine

Well, I am happy to say that I have the first day and a half under my belt with this wonderful group of children that you have sent me and things are really looking great.  Thanks again to Mrs. B. - she did a wonderful job with the class while I was away.

We are spending time working on making individualized spelling lists so you can look for the program to begin the first week of October.  Remember to wear team colours tomorrow for the house team kick off activities.

Enjoy the week, I know that I am!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Unexpected Event

I am sad to share that due to a death in our family I will not be starting school until the 10th of September.  Mrs. Beauschne will be welcoming students for me and teaching Sept 4-7th.  I am certain that she will do an amazing job and am grateful that she is willing to help me out.

She and I will be in contact with one another and all of the important beginning of the year things will happen just as they should.

Thank you for your understanding, talk to you all after the 10th.
Mrs. Newman

Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to the 2012 school year.  I am looking forward to welcoming my new class of grade three students on Sept. 4th.  Please look for registration forms and a letter from me that will come home with your child that day.  As soon as all the forms are back and I have updated my email list for the class you can look forward to regular email updates as well as information here to keep you in the loop.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Farewell 2011-2012 Class

Well, here we are with the year officially over.  I cannot believe how quickly it has gone or how much we managed to pack into ten months.

I would like to thank each parent for the trust that you placed in me as your child entered my classroom.  Your support throughout the year has been appreciated.  You all have amazing children and I feel very fortunate that I could have a part in their learning and growing up. 

They have had laughed and cried and everything in-between but at the heart of it all they learned something and were able to share themselves with other children who are also learning and growing. 

Enjoy your summer and be sure to say hi if you see me in my summer fog around town or at the lake.

It was an honour to teach your child.

Mrs. Newman

Friday, June 22, 2012

Amazing Day

Well, today I discovered (after 20 years of teaching) the absolute best way to plan a year end field trip.  The secret is put the kids in charge.  They played ALL day and should be completely exhausted for you tonight. I think they enjoyed the day, and I can assure you that I did.  Thank you Wendy, Leah, Tasha, Serge, Jason, Vivian, Jennifer and especially Colette (the hostess for the afternoon) for joining us today.  

Please send a change of clothes for your child on Monday - the Olympics have some water events and if it is nice could end in a water fight.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Counting Down

Happy Monday

Please make sure that you return the field trip form by tomorrow so I can fax the order in to Dairy Queen. If you are joining us and would like to order your meal ahead of time and have it come in a bag for the picnic feel free to send me your order and money with your child's. (form attached if you need it)

Remember Thursday is the Elementary awards ceremony -check Monday note for time, and the bike rodeo in the afternoon so bring your child's bike and helmet if possible. We are looking for parent helpers so let us know if you are available.

Monday June 25th Mrs. B and Mr. Feil are planning the Elementary Olympics - sounds great, I am sure your children will have an amazing day.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Wow, grade fours are off to Marshall tomorrow for their first ever Tri Meet. They are all excited and perhaps a bit nervous. We have selected the events that they wish to participate in and I think they are ready for an amazing day. Due to interviews for our high school math position being set for tomorrow, I will not be attending the meet. Mrs. Simons will meet the grade fours and get them on the bus once they arrive at school tomorrow and will be their contact person for the day.

Colette Dixon and Mrs. Simons will be helper/leaders for the 9 year old girls and boys respectively. (Yes I know many of them are 10 now, the cut off date for the age groups was Dec. 31, 2011). it sounds like several parents will be joining us for the day.

If the weather is iffy, contact Ms. Peach at the school she will know for sure what the plan is. Marshall staff will make the decision and communicate it to us if needed. The alternate day is Monday if it does happen to be cancelled.

The grade threes will be working with Mrs. Baier tomorrow with a Cookie Theme day. I think they will enjoy the day a lot!

One last reminder - if you are planning to attend family fun evening, send me an email, return the note from the Monday note or call Jana at the school. We ere hoping to have a pretty close estimate so that we are able to ensure there is food for everyone in attendance.


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Track and Field thanks

A HUGE thank you to Colette Dixon and Chris Stapleton who led the grade four class yesterday for the track meet.  I spent the day with the grade three class and it was really wonderful.  I will have a chance to see the grade fours at the Tri-Meet next Friday so it could not have worked out better.

Thank you also to all the moms and dads who took time out of their busy schedules to come and join us for the day.

Details for grade four students regarding Tri-Meet will go home Friday.

Please send a hot for your child to wear at recess - they are getting lots of sun these days.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Downhill slide

We have been extremely busy the past two weeks with oratory and completing Canadian Achievement Testing. Your children have worked really hard and I am really pleased with how the end of the year is shaping up.

Oratory awards will be presented to students at the Elementary Awards ceremonies on June 21 in the morning. On the afternoon of that day we will be running a bike rodeo. It is our hope that when you come for the awards ceremonies you will bring your child's bike and that many of you will hang out for the afternoon for the bike rodeo too. More details to follow.

As you have seen in the Monday note, our Family Fun Night/ Showcase is on June 14th. Sign up sheets went up yesterday looking for talented students and or their parents/families to show off their stuff that evening. Please let me know if you would like to be a part of the show.

Next Wednesday is our K-6 track meet. I am looking for a parent or two who would consider leading one of the grades to their events. Mr. Feil has other classes for much of the day and we need to have the two classes separated. Please let me know if you are willing to take this on. The grade four students will go on to Marshall on Friday, June 8th. At the tri-meet we run two events A and B so all students participate. The top students in the events here complete in the A event there and the students who are out for participation compete in the B event. It is a really great day.

Finally, the student planned field trip will be on Friday June 22. We are going to the multi-plex in the morning, then picking up DQ lunch to take to Dixon's for a picnic and massive game of Man Tracker (remember they planned this!) Thank you Colette and Wayne for inviting us to use your property for the game. A permission form and lunch order form will come home closer to the 22nd.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thursday poem plans

Students will be presenting their individual oratory poems on Thursday beginning at 1:5 in the library. Because only the top three in each grade for each category are advancing to the three school competition on May 17th, we are welcoming parents to come and see their child if they wish to. This will be quite informal compared to what the day on the 17th will look like. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Burzinski and I will be judging each others classes so there are 2 judges for each grade but we do not judge our own students. Class poems will not be presented this day.

Look for a note in agenda today too.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Catching Up

Well we have been back from our vacation for nearly two weeks and I am finally able to take a moment to catch up!

We are working hard to memorize our class poem here at school so don't worry about it at home.  Please do take time to help your child memorize their individual poem - we are NOT doing them here.  The individual poems will be presented to classmates on May 10th to determine the top three in each category - only those six children who score the highest in the class (top three published and top three original for each grade)will do  their individual poems on the 17th.

All parents are invited to join us for the day on the 17th.  We begin around 10:30 and wrap up about 2:00. Students from Marshall and Onion Lake join us for the day and we get to meet lots of new friends.  Watch for details closer to the date.

Steve Nash Basketball schedules for the 5th and 6th of May went home with your child yesterday.  If you have any questions contact Mrs. Clark or Mrs. Hunter they will be taking the 3 / 4 teams.  The girls play on Saturday the 5th and boys on Sunday the 6th.  They have learned so much - it was great to work with them Tuesday when they were playing Paradise Hill.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter

Wow what a busy, fun filled day!  Thank you to all the moms, dads and grandmas who were able to join us this morning for the student presentations.  The students always put on their A game when the audience is a little bigger:)

Our class met the goal for planning a field trip so I will get them on that as soon as we get back from the break.  Thank you to the parents who helped out with our Jump Rope activities today, your child should be pretty tired out by the time they get home.

Enjoy the week off with your children, hope you get an Easter treat or two and some time with family and friends.

Results are in for the colouring contest but I did not get to share them with students so I will keep you all in suspense until April 16th.

Friday, March 30, 2012


On May 17th the grade 1-4 students in our school will compete with students from Marshall and Onion Lake in public speaking. The format that we use is oratory or choral speaking. Each grade will perform a whole class poem which they memorize and recite together. Each student will also be expected to memorize and recite an individual poem. Their individual poem is their choice and can be on that they find in a collection that is written by someone else (published), or one that they write on their own (original).
I will choose the class poem and we will practice and prepare it at school. Students will choose their own individual poems or write them with parents. I will have a selection of books for them to look at next week but often they are able to find poems they enjoy online with a bit of help from a parent.

Each child MUST do an individual poem but this year for the first time we will have an in class speak off before the 17th so only the top three from each category will speak on the 17th when the other two schools are with us.

We have been doing this for several years now and this is the first time that grade 4 students are participating. Since they are in the split we figured we would go for it and the other two schools were happy to bring their grade 4's too.

Please help your child find or write a poem that they can present from memory. We will begin practising our class poem after Easter break.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Recipes Please

As you all know we are working on a unit in fractions.  With this in mind I am asking you to send two recipes to school with your child to work with.  Send ones that are family favourites to help make them more fun to work with.

Our class has set our fundraising goal for Jump Rope.  The students felt that they would all be able to raise $15.00 so our  first class goal is $330.00.  If we meet this goal we will earn an all game computer class.  They then set themselves a gaol of $450.00 - if we reach that we get a movie and popcorn party one afternoon.  They still were rolling so we set a third level goal of $660.00.  If we reach this goal the students will get to choose a field trip destination as long as it fits the field trip rules set by the school division and Mr. Lobb.  The students felt that everyone should be able to join in even if they couldn't raise $15.00 so as long as the class meets the goals, they will all participate.  We could still use one more helper to lead a group next Thursday, let me know if you are able.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What a storm

Wow, great to see the snow that we missed all year right?!  I hope you were able to enjoy the day with your children today - if you made a snowman email me a photo please.

Jump Rope for Heart materials were sent home with your child last Thursday.  Tomorrow we will be setting a goal amount for each of us to raise as well as deciding what the reward will be for those of us who meet the goal.

We are well on our way with our novel studies and literature circles.  Once the novels are complete we will spend a few days preparing final projects and then present our final projects to our classmates.  Huge thanks to Cory and Kandace who have been in to help with the groups!  Also to Shirley Patmore a community grandma who has committed all her Tuesday mornings to us!

If you have not yet returned your request for interview times please do so tomorrow.  We are meeting Wed. AM to schedule those.

We have started fractions in math - too much fun.  I am hoping to have a baking session where we can put our learning to practical use.  Keep your eyes peeled for an opportunity to hang out in the lab with 22 children baking all at once - you can guess that I will need some support to make that a success.

Looking forward to seeing you next week at Parent Teacher Interviews - as always if you have questions before then, please give me a call.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Every child in our classroom brought $5.oo to join in the fun at the Penny Carnival - thank you for your support.  Did you hear that 5.9 million dollars was raised by the people of Saskatchewan?  Amazing.

Book orders should be here this week for those of you who ordered from the Feb. order.

Please ensure that your children come to school with ski pants and mittens - it is no fun to sit all afternoon soaking wet after playing in the snow that finally arrived.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Penny Carnival

Our school supports Tele-miracle in several ways.  We collect spare change for house team points, we do a hockey shoot out, and we sell hands.  The biggest fundraiser is the penny carnival which takes place on Friday.  All children from K to Gr. 6 attend and for $5.oo are able to complete twenty carnival stations, get an ice cream treat, and a grab bag of prizes.  Please support our efforts to support  the people of our province.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Back to work

I hope that you all enjoyed your week with your family.  I sure did.

This week in math the grade three's are working hard with money, and the grade four's continue to work on multiplication (1 digit x 2 digit).  Mr. Hart is coming in on Thursday to guest teach neat multiplication strategies to the grade four class while the grade threes and I do ELA with the grade eight's.

We are working on literature circle roles this week and will then be applying these skills to a novel study beginning next week.  There will be three novels going on in class at one time.  If you happen to be a mom or dad who has a flexible schedule and can commit an hour a couple of times over the next two or three weeks to be a helper in the classroom please let me know and I will fill you in on the times and how you can help out.

We are  also spending a lot of time learning how to write a paragraph and how to format a story as a collection of paragraphs - this is more difficult that you would think.

We will be moving into division as a way of sharing in math next week and then onto fractions from there.

We have library next Monday - please send books back.

Continue to practice those math facts - even addition and subtraction facts are still slow - the faster your child is with these, the easier more complex math will be for them.

Looking forward to parent teacher interviews at the end of the month.  Please call if you have questions before then.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Highlights for the week

Just a reminder that we will exchange our Valentine's cards tomorrow after lunch. 

Hoja will be performing at 1:30, please come and join us.

For those of you transporting your children to the ski hill on Tuesday, please plan to be at the hill by 9:15 so we are all there together to get our equipment and lessons sorted out. 

For those of you sending your child on the bus, you will need to have them at the school by 7:25 AM, the bus is leaving at 7:30.  Please be at the school to pick them up at the end of the day by 6:15 - we will arrive between 6:15 and 6:30.

Remember to send them with layers of clothing, snacks for the bus, and warm mittens.  We are looking forward to a wonderful day.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Wow, last week flew by in such a blur that I didn't even have a moment to update the blog.  Sorry!
Now that swimming is over for the grade fours I think we have a few days of routine before the break.

As you know we are going skiing next Tuesday, February 14th.  Please let me know if your travel plans have changed so I know who to be looking for on the bus.

We will hand out any Valentine's cards that the students wish to bring on Monday t he 13th. 
Student list:
 Grade three - Shyla, Brody, Brienna, Landon, Chase, Emma, Lauren, Hannah, Ayden, Harley, Shea, Amanda
  Grade four - Charise, Easton, Havey, Rebecca, Jayden, Ryan, George, Tesa, Easton, Jarvis

Hoja (an acapella group) will be here on Monday the 13th presenting from 2:00-3:00.  I have seen them before and they are terrific.  Come and join us if you wish!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ski Trip rescheduled, Grade fours swim, Challenge

The date for the 3-6 ski trip has been settled and it is . . . Tuesday, February 14th!

If your child is no longer able to attend, send me a note and we will refund the money.  If they were unable to attend previously, but can come on the 14th, let me know and I will send a registration form home.

Reminder that grade fours are swimming next week - they will need their swimsuit, towel and a snack on Wednesday.

It was wonderful that so many of you joined us for Family Literacy night.  Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


Your reading this weekend is page 1-26 or 1-29 depending on your book.  Make sure you complete the reading and come to class Monday with your role sheet at least started.  Happy reading!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well, this week has certainly provided us with opportunities to be flexible with our planning.  You should have all heard by now that the ski trip will not be taking place tomorrow for  grade 3-6 or for grade7-9 students.

Our 3-6 ski trip will be rescheduled for sometime after the 10th of February - as soon as we can coordinate something with Kinosoo we will let you know.  They have no spaces next week, and then we have students in 4-6 swimming which is why there will  be such a long delay.  If your child was not going to be able to go tomorrow but is able to go on the new date, let me know and I will be sure to send home a form for you.

Please return swimming forms and Family Literacy forms asap.

If you are practicing math facts, please give students only 3-5 seconds to get the answer.  If it takes longer than that they are skip counting to solve it, which is a great strategy, but they need these facts memorized and available in their brains QUICKLY!  (I promise it is worth it for when they are trying to do math in grade 5 and 6 - your work now makes things SO much easier then.)

We will have a spelling test tomorrow:)

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Happenings

Now that we have established the wonderful habit of parents seeing their child's agenda and signing it daily, I am going to stop with sticker charts for agendas.  I will still look at the agendas each day, and we will continue to write all our important information for you.  The reward for continuing to use them in your homes will be that you continue to have a way to communicate with us daily.

We will begin Monday doing sticker charts for time spent practicing the multiplication tables.  If you and your child practice multiplication tables to assist them in memorizing the facts, and record that time in their agenda, they will receive a sticker. A sticker will be awarded for each five minutes spent practicing with a maximum of three stickers a day.  Once a row is full, they will get a candy treat.  When the chart is full they will get 25 min of time in the computer lab or helping in Kindergarten or Grade 1 whichever they choose.

If you have a deck of cards your child can show you the quick practice method that we are using at school.  They should be working on the 2 and 3 times tables right now. 

We drew today for our movie pass winners.  Students have been entering their names into a draw box for the past four months each time they filled a row on their sticker charts.  Congratulations to Natalie, George, Emma and Rebecca, our winners. The box was emptied today, and we will begin to refill it as children complete rows for multiplication fact practice.  They will receive their passes on Monday.

We did a reading activity about skiing today and talked about the benefits of goggles or sunglasses when we ski next week.  I did not tell your child that you had to buy them goggles:)  I did suggest that if they had some they should bring them, or if you were OK with the idea you could consider getting some.

Please remember to practice spelling words.  They are always in your child's agendas and even though the words are the same for three weeks, they need to practice them to show me that they have mastered them.

Enjoy your weekend!

Remember to return swimming and Family Literacy forms as soon as possible.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

News of the day

Grade Four parents look for the yellow swimming note in backpacks today - due Jan. 23rd.

Grade Three parents Family Literacy Day is Jan 26th - Reading Around the World - from 3:10-7:00.  More information soon.  It is an opportunity for you to join your child for a variety of activities as well as a pizza supper.

Book orders went home today.  If you are ordering, please send orders by next Thursday.

Spelling test tomorrow.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ski Trip

Ski trip forms went out on Friday.  Please complete all information and return form and payment by Friday, January 13th.  We welcome parents to join us for the day, but we ask that you pay for yourself and any children not in grade 3-6 once you arrive at the hill.  If you are transporting your child to the hill, it is VERY important that you have them there at the same time the students transported on the bus arrive so they can go through as a school to their lessons and get onto the hill as soon as possible.

We are starting our multiplication and division unit today.  Help your child see arrays and groupings in the world around them and show them how repeated addition and multiplication are related.

Mr. Feil needs parents who are willing to help tie skates or the grade three and four students will not be going skating in phys. ed this season.  It is too difficult for one person to help with 22 pair of skates and the last child has no time on the ice.  He will be sending out some possible dates, please let him know if you can help out.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Great first day of 2012

Well, we have worked and are TIRED but we had a great day. 

We are making 3D snow people ( in the style of Lois Ehlert) next Tuesday and students are asked to bring a collection of "cool stuff" that they will use to add personality to their creation.

Ski trip on the 20th of January, note coming home this week.

Grade fours only swimming lessons on Feb 1,2,3,6 - details out Monday or Tuesday next week.

Grade three only Family Literacy Night on Jan. 26 from 3:30-till about 7 - details soon.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One More Day

Here's hoping that your holiday was wonderful and you have something fun to do tomorrow for the last day.  We will be starting new units in reading and writing and will have a spelling test on Friday since the words are theirs for three weeks anyway. 

See you soon!