Friday, March 30, 2012


On May 17th the grade 1-4 students in our school will compete with students from Marshall and Onion Lake in public speaking. The format that we use is oratory or choral speaking. Each grade will perform a whole class poem which they memorize and recite together. Each student will also be expected to memorize and recite an individual poem. Their individual poem is their choice and can be on that they find in a collection that is written by someone else (published), or one that they write on their own (original).
I will choose the class poem and we will practice and prepare it at school. Students will choose their own individual poems or write them with parents. I will have a selection of books for them to look at next week but often they are able to find poems they enjoy online with a bit of help from a parent.

Each child MUST do an individual poem but this year for the first time we will have an in class speak off before the 17th so only the top three from each category will speak on the 17th when the other two schools are with us.

We have been doing this for several years now and this is the first time that grade 4 students are participating. Since they are in the split we figured we would go for it and the other two schools were happy to bring their grade 4's too.

Please help your child find or write a poem that they can present from memory. We will begin practising our class poem after Easter break.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Recipes Please

As you all know we are working on a unit in fractions.  With this in mind I am asking you to send two recipes to school with your child to work with.  Send ones that are family favourites to help make them more fun to work with.

Our class has set our fundraising goal for Jump Rope.  The students felt that they would all be able to raise $15.00 so our  first class goal is $330.00.  If we meet this goal we will earn an all game computer class.  They then set themselves a gaol of $450.00 - if we reach that we get a movie and popcorn party one afternoon.  They still were rolling so we set a third level goal of $660.00.  If we reach this goal the students will get to choose a field trip destination as long as it fits the field trip rules set by the school division and Mr. Lobb.  The students felt that everyone should be able to join in even if they couldn't raise $15.00 so as long as the class meets the goals, they will all participate.  We could still use one more helper to lead a group next Thursday, let me know if you are able.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What a storm

Wow, great to see the snow that we missed all year right?!  I hope you were able to enjoy the day with your children today - if you made a snowman email me a photo please.

Jump Rope for Heart materials were sent home with your child last Thursday.  Tomorrow we will be setting a goal amount for each of us to raise as well as deciding what the reward will be for those of us who meet the goal.

We are well on our way with our novel studies and literature circles.  Once the novels are complete we will spend a few days preparing final projects and then present our final projects to our classmates.  Huge thanks to Cory and Kandace who have been in to help with the groups!  Also to Shirley Patmore a community grandma who has committed all her Tuesday mornings to us!

If you have not yet returned your request for interview times please do so tomorrow.  We are meeting Wed. AM to schedule those.

We have started fractions in math - too much fun.  I am hoping to have a baking session where we can put our learning to practical use.  Keep your eyes peeled for an opportunity to hang out in the lab with 22 children baking all at once - you can guess that I will need some support to make that a success.

Looking forward to seeing you next week at Parent Teacher Interviews - as always if you have questions before then, please give me a call.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Every child in our classroom brought $5.oo to join in the fun at the Penny Carnival - thank you for your support.  Did you hear that 5.9 million dollars was raised by the people of Saskatchewan?  Amazing.

Book orders should be here this week for those of you who ordered from the Feb. order.

Please ensure that your children come to school with ski pants and mittens - it is no fun to sit all afternoon soaking wet after playing in the snow that finally arrived.