Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mrs. N away

I will be away Thursday for a Professional Development day.  I will be in the school Friday but not teaching my class as we will be conducting interviews.

Thank you to all of you whom I saw last night at interviews.  I look forward to seeing the rest of you this evening.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Puppet Show

Looking at the calendar we have decided that Wednesday, Dec. 5th looks like the best day for the puppet show.  We will be inviting grade one and two to join us and would welcome any parents who were able to attend as well.

The show will begin about 1:30, please let me know if you will be able to come so that I can have enough chairs set up for you (adults don't have to sit on the floor:)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekly update

Well, as I look at the week it is going to be busy so I thought I would update you a bit.

1)  Next spelling test Wednesday.

2) Dress like a teacher on Thursday.

3) Parent Teacher Interviews Tuesday and Wednesday evenings - check note with report card for time.

4) See Monday note for Pizza and Chili cook off rules if you are interested.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank you for the support!

Wow,  what an amazing afternoon we had Wednesday.  Thanks to parents, grandparents and community members for your help.  Our puppets are amazing and the students are still glowing with the results of their efforts. 

Mrs. H. Lundquist, Mrs. R. Schreiner, Mrs. M. Rosin, Mrs. Leann Priest, Mrs. C. Binsfeld, Mrs. C. Franko, Ms. M. Winter, Mrs. C. Stapleton, Mrs. R. Hunter, and Mrs. T. Beauchesne I could not have done it without your support.  Thank you so much.

Thank you to each parent for the wonderful things that you sent for us to work with, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, fabric, socks, buttons, beads, lace, frills, etc - the only limit we had was the imaginations of the creators.

When you come in for interviews next week you can check out the bulletin board outside the classroom for the photos that we took while we worked.  I will let you know when we are ready to do the shows - we would love to have you in our audience too.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Puppet Making Party

As part of our Arts Ed program the students are creating puppet plays using the story of The Gingerbread Man as a base and mixing it with another story to make it silly.  The fun part about creating a puppet play is that we need to also create puppets.  As I contemplate the level of button sewing skills that eight year olds have I realize that I am going to need help! 

The puppet creation celebration is scheduled for Wednesday November 21st and I am looking for as much help as I can possibly get.  We will create from 1:15 until 3:10 (with a coffee break in the middle to regroup).

Of course to make puppets we will need socks, scraps of fabric, buttons, needles, thread, and imagination. If you are unable to join us on the 21st that is fine, please send at least two (clean) socks with your child and any other wonderful things you think will make good puppets.

Picture retakes are also on the 21st so there may be students zipping out for pictures while we work.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

No Busses, No Remembrance Day Service, No Retakes

Well, the title says it all.  Due to terrible road conditions the bus drivers have cancelled busses for today.  For the same reason our Remembrance Day service has been cancelled and retakes will be postponed.

No school Friday or Monday as already planned.

Be safe!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Remembrance Day

We are looking at Remembrance Day heroes through the eyes of Animals in War - a publication by Veteran's Affairs Canada.  Take time this week to ask your child what they know.  Their insights and questions about war are very interesting.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

Dear Parents

As a school we have chosen to support three charities this Christmas season. 

The first is Operation Christmas Child.  Our school has been challenged to fill 30 boxes.  We are asking that each child bring one or two items that can be placed into a shoe box and sent overseas via Samaritans Purse.   The boxes MAY NOT be filled with the following items:

        Decks of cards           food or chewy crumbly candy including gum

        Used items                liquids or items that could freeze, melt or break

Items that could scare or harm a child including toy guns, knives and war related toys


School supplies         ie:  pen, pencils, crayons, colouring book, notepad, calculator

Toys and other gifts          ie:  stuffed animals, socks, hair clips, t-shirts, loose individually wrapped hard candy sealed in a bag, small musical instruments

Hygiene items           ie:  bar soap, toothbrush, washcloth


All items must be at the school by Nov. 6th so we can pack

Our boxes and have them into the drop off location by Nov.7th


We will also have a mitten tree and a collection of items for the Men’s Shelter in Lloydminster – look for details on these projects in upcoming Monday Notes.