Thursday, May 31, 2012

Track and Field thanks

A HUGE thank you to Colette Dixon and Chris Stapleton who led the grade four class yesterday for the track meet.  I spent the day with the grade three class and it was really wonderful.  I will have a chance to see the grade fours at the Tri-Meet next Friday so it could not have worked out better.

Thank you also to all the moms and dads who took time out of their busy schedules to come and join us for the day.

Details for grade four students regarding Tri-Meet will go home Friday.

Please send a hot for your child to wear at recess - they are getting lots of sun these days.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Downhill slide

We have been extremely busy the past two weeks with oratory and completing Canadian Achievement Testing. Your children have worked really hard and I am really pleased with how the end of the year is shaping up.

Oratory awards will be presented to students at the Elementary Awards ceremonies on June 21 in the morning. On the afternoon of that day we will be running a bike rodeo. It is our hope that when you come for the awards ceremonies you will bring your child's bike and that many of you will hang out for the afternoon for the bike rodeo too. More details to follow.

As you have seen in the Monday note, our Family Fun Night/ Showcase is on June 14th. Sign up sheets went up yesterday looking for talented students and or their parents/families to show off their stuff that evening. Please let me know if you would like to be a part of the show.

Next Wednesday is our K-6 track meet. I am looking for a parent or two who would consider leading one of the grades to their events. Mr. Feil has other classes for much of the day and we need to have the two classes separated. Please let me know if you are willing to take this on. The grade four students will go on to Marshall on Friday, June 8th. At the tri-meet we run two events A and B so all students participate. The top students in the events here complete in the A event there and the students who are out for participation compete in the B event. It is a really great day.

Finally, the student planned field trip will be on Friday June 22. We are going to the multi-plex in the morning, then picking up DQ lunch to take to Dixon's for a picnic and massive game of Man Tracker (remember they planned this!) Thank you Colette and Wayne for inviting us to use your property for the game. A permission form and lunch order form will come home closer to the 22nd.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thursday poem plans

Students will be presenting their individual oratory poems on Thursday beginning at 1:5 in the library. Because only the top three in each grade for each category are advancing to the three school competition on May 17th, we are welcoming parents to come and see their child if they wish to. This will be quite informal compared to what the day on the 17th will look like. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Burzinski and I will be judging each others classes so there are 2 judges for each grade but we do not judge our own students. Class poems will not be presented this day.

Look for a note in agenda today too.