Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy Week

Welcome back.  Hope you all had a restful week off and were able to stay warm through some of the cold temperatures.  I was really warm yesterday while I cheered Saskatchewan on to victory in the Tournament of Hearts curling final.

This week will see Carrie Thomson here today (Monday) and Carol Harbin here on Friday. 

With Telemiracle on this weekend, there are many activities planned including our annual Penny Carnival on Friday.

Remember to order your Anti-Bullying pink T-shirt to wear on March 14th when Eva Ollsen is here to speak to our students.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope that you were the recipient of a hug from a loved one today as we mark Feb. 14th, 2011 off on the calendar.

I was able to attend the Canskate Carnival yesterday and wanted to say Great Job to all the skaters and parents.  What a fun prelude to today with your heart theme, great music, fun door prizes and enthusiastic skaters.

Carrie Thomson is scheduled to be out tomorrow to work with our students, and Carol Harbin will be here on the 17th to see students and meet with parents.

Enjoy the week as we lead up to our Winter break next week.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Farewell and Welcome

Just wanting to take a moment to wish Mr. Vince well as he leaves our school.  I know that the grade six class will miss him, and that he will be back for a bit to finish up the basketball season so we will still see him around.

Welcome back Mrs. Ross.  I am sure that you will be back into the swing of things in no time!

Congratulations to Kelsie who is the SPCA student volunteer this week.  Please click on this link to see her on the website.

Enjoy the week.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day

Well, good news from the groundhogs this morning.  Not a shadow to be seen which I am confident means that we will be seeing the end of winter very soon. 

I found an interesting article which suggested that at the end of each day we take five minutes to reflect on our day and the interactions that we had throughout the day.  I wanted to share it with you, perhaps you already do this, perhaps you think it is crazy, for what it is worth, here it is.

Take Five and ask yourself the following:

1.  How did the day go?  What success did I experience?  What challenges did I endure?

2.  What did I learn today? About myself? About others?  What do I plan to do differently - or the same - tomorrow?

3.  Who did I interact with?  Anyone I need to update?  Thank?  Ask a question?  Share feedback?

Have a terrific week.