Friday, March 30, 2012


On May 17th the grade 1-4 students in our school will compete with students from Marshall and Onion Lake in public speaking. The format that we use is oratory or choral speaking. Each grade will perform a whole class poem which they memorize and recite together. Each student will also be expected to memorize and recite an individual poem. Their individual poem is their choice and can be on that they find in a collection that is written by someone else (published), or one that they write on their own (original).
I will choose the class poem and we will practice and prepare it at school. Students will choose their own individual poems or write them with parents. I will have a selection of books for them to look at next week but often they are able to find poems they enjoy online with a bit of help from a parent.

Each child MUST do an individual poem but this year for the first time we will have an in class speak off before the 17th so only the top three from each category will speak on the 17th when the other two schools are with us.

We have been doing this for several years now and this is the first time that grade 4 students are participating. Since they are in the split we figured we would go for it and the other two schools were happy to bring their grade 4's too.

Please help your child find or write a poem that they can present from memory. We will begin practising our class poem after Easter break.

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